Remembering NYSAFLT
Teachers of world languages are a dedicated group. Our lives are always marked by the extent to which we live out that dedication by generously devoting our time, energy and talents to ensure that our students will have the best possible learning experiences in our classes and that they will acquire the linguistic and cultural proficiencies that will enable them to interact thoughtfully, sensitively and competently in our diverse global village. Our dedication stems from our sincere belief in the value of education and language learning as key ingredients in creating and maintaining peace, productivity and harmony among the world’s people. Having dedicated so much of our lives to this noble work, we can’t help but share a burning hope that the work will continue . . . yes . . . even after we are gone.
NYSAFLT was an instrumental, indeed central and essential, part of our work as teachers. As dedicated and hard-working professionals, we were able to connect with each other through NYSAFLT and its broad network of educators, policy makers, authors, and researchers who, together, advanced the profession and strengthened the quality of everyone’s work. Its professional development programs, its scholarships and grants for teachers and students of world languages, and its powerful presence as a standard bearer and defender of excellence and professional dignity and opportunity motivated, supported and sustained us. We know that NYSAFLT’s essential work must continue strong and unfaltering into the distant future.
Strengthening NYSAFLT’s Future
There is a way for each of us to guarantee NYSAFLT’s role for teachers of world languages and their students into that distant future, a way that can be extremely gratifying as we contemplate our own legacy and how we wish to be remembered.
Planned giving
By including a provision in your will, trust or estate plan to leave a specific amount of money, an asset (stocks or bonds, for example), allocate a retirement account or donate a percentage of your estate to NYSAFLT, you will help to ensure the continuation of the programs we have worked so diligently to create and preserve. Your planned gift will play a critical role in the future of NYSAFLT and its ability to further world language professional undertakings as we strive to meet the needs of the future generations of our global community.
Anyone can make a bequest of any size, and it is easily done by consulting your attorney when drafting your will or doing any form of estate planning.
Donation options
Here are some options for you to consider and to discuss with your attorney:
- A permanently restricted bequest to be invested, the earnings from which may be used by NYSAFLT to fund programming.
- A non-restricted bequest, to be invested, the earnings from which may be used by NYSAFLT to fund programming.
- A bequest to fund a new or existing award. (Please note that many of our awards are already funded. Please contact us for details.)
Our current goal is to build our non-restricted fund reserves (100K Sustaining Fund). Donations and bequests to this fund will have the broadest impact, funding scholarships, awards and grants into the future, and allowing for the most flexibility on the part of the board of directors to determine how to best spend the income earned on our investments.
Sample Language
Please consult with your attorney about the best way to frame your bequest. The following language is provided as a starting point only and is not intended to be legal advice:
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, a nonprofit corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of New York, the sum of $____ (or ___ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate), to be used for general purpose of the Association.
Please keep us in the loop!
If you’re not sure how you would like to structure your gift, we would be happy to discuss options with you and answer questions about NYSAFLT’s long-term needs. We would also appreciate knowing that you’ve made a provision for NYSAFLT in your will, trust or estate plan so that we may recognize your contributions in the association’s publications. If you are considering making a legacy contribution, or would like more information about the possibilities, please contact Executive Director John Carlino at You may, of course, choose to remain anonymous.