Position Statements

The NYSAFLT Board of Directors has approved several position statements on critical issues in our profession:

NYSAFLT Position Statements

NYSAFLT is an organization that represents world languages from all regions of New York and surrounding states and whose purpose is to serve the needs of the profession dedicated to the development of world language skills and cultural awareness among students. NYSAFLT provides its members with a network of communication with colleagues throughout the state, opportunities for professional growth through conferences, institutes and colloquia held regionally and statewide, a direct link with the State Education Department, and an advocate’s voice among the members of the Board of Regents and the state’s legislators.

The following positions statements were developed by NYSAFLT leadership to highlight issues NYSAFLT believes to be of critical importance in the field of world language education and to make its position on these issues clear to its membership as well as others who may be seeking direction in these areas.

Please note that the terminology used at the time each Position Statement was written and adopted is the terminology used within the document, such as foreign languages (FL), Language Other than English (LOTE), and Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES).

  • World Language as a Core Subject
  • Language Programs and Offerings
  • Early Language Learning
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  • Use of Target Language in the World Language Classroom
  • Assessment
  • World Languages Alignment with Common Core State Standards
  • New York State Seal of Biliteracy

Click here to view all position statements in detail.

NYSAFLT also supports the position statements of ACTFL:

         ACTFL Position Statements