Strategic Plan 2024–2028
Adopted by the NYSAFLT Board of Directors on October 20, 2023
This Strategic Plan includes 4 overarching goals, with 3-4 objectives. The committee has developed a companion document that includes possible actions for each goal.
1. Centering marginalized voices
(This goal is of great importance, and must be considered throughout the entire strategic plan as well as all future endeavors by NYSAFLT. Furthermore, actions need to be genuine; NYSAFLT should avoid blanket statements and blanket actions.)
- Empower the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee to be a critical lens for NYSAFLT to explore biases and obstacles to members participating completely in the NYSAFLT community and being represented in areas of leadership.
- Reach out to members in leadership positions that are in underrepresented groups for help, guidance and/or suggestions.
- Actively communicate with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) teachers (members and non-members) to encourage their participation in the organization, as well as receive feedback on what biases and barriers exist in the NYSAFLT community.
- Actively seek out presenters of color for all aspects of our professional learning, including conferences, virtual workshops, and committee collaboration.
2. Member recruitment and engagement: taking membership to new places
- Seek out data on language teacher numbers in NYS and work with NYSED OBEWL to communicate with all about the benefits of the NYSAFLT community.
- Encourage non-members to join the NYSAFLT community.
- Pursue alternate methods to help attract new members and increase involvement in the NYSAFLT community.
- Offer equity of live events for the entire NYSAFLT community, in all areas of the state.
3. Outlets for collaboration on challenges and opportunities in the profession
- Create collaboration areas for niche members of our profession, especially less commonly taught languages and singleton departments.
- Create board liaison positions to support members of niche areas.
- Work with other organizations and associations to strengthen collaboration and articulation across the K-16+ spectrum.
4. Advocacy for the profession: Reviving the world language teacher community
- Pursue avenues to encourage current high school and college students, especially heritage language learners, to become teachers of languages.
- Collaborate with other organizations and associations to pursue recruitment of future teachers.
- Create advocacy events or campaigns that are actionable for students, parents, and teachers.
- Collaborate with other agencies to offer guidance on certification and certification reciprocity.
New York State Association for Language Teachers
Strategic Plan companion document of possible actions
1. Centering marginalized voices
- Seek data on BIPOC teachers from NYSED OBEWL and cross compare to NYSAFLT membership.
- Survey the NYSAFLT membership, stating that the last survey revealed to the association that some members feel underrepresented in leadership positions. Include some pointed questions to elicit more specific responses.
- Create an inclusive lunch (mix it up, assigned seats) at the annual conference.
- Intentionally seek out BIPOC teachers to be part of the NYSAFLT community: attendance at regional conferences or the annual conference, invitation to become a Leader of Tomorrow, nomination for awards.
2. Member recruitment and engagement: taking membership to new places
- Offer discounted membership for new teachers and pre-service teachers.
- Open the Annual Conference to non-members, with appropriate pricing.
- Ask renewing members to gift membership to colleagues.
- Collaborate with regional organizations downstate for a single large event.
- Request information and data on methods and higher ed teachers from NYSED OBEWL.
- Create a focused mentoring program.
- Seek out grants to support teachers in training.
- Team with future teacher’s clubs in high schools and colleges.
- Frontload benefits to highlight in our social media and other communication channels.
- Create an open-ended, non-member survey.
- Create a future teacher recognition award from NYSAFLT, presented either virtually or at the conference.
- Consider other virtual professional learning beyond Zoom presentations, such as collaborative work groups around a theme or topic.
3. Outlets for Collaboration on Challenges and Opportunities in the Profession
- Create a collaboration area of our website, similar to ACTFL Central, that allows virtual asynchronous collaboration.
- Host synchronous collaboration events online on a regular basis.
- Consider regular communication with regional organization liaisons, to inform the board about events and other benefits they offer.
- Develop better communication and collaboration between secondary teachers and the higher education community.
4. Advocacy for the profession: Reviving the world language teacher community
- Communicate policy updates (ie: emergency certifications, standards updates).
- Collaborate on how to engage students in a career in WL instruction.
- Work with other organizations (subject areas, across states, ELL/NYSABE).
- Make human connections with members and non-members.
- Position ourselves to focus on connections and perspectives, not teaching *just* the language.
Strategic Planning Committee Members:
Jenny Lynn Delfini, Chair
Anna Domingo
Erin Kearney, Ph.D.
Michael Lapaglia
Michael Lauria
Patricia Martinez de la Vega Mansilla
Joshua Wigle-Harris