Take Action
So, you’re ready to make a difference on behalf of the millions of children in New York State who may not be able to participate in world language education in the future? Welcome to the area of this website where you can take your advocacy to new levels! Now, let’s get to work!
NYSED is rethinking graduation requirements. Its Blue Ribbon Commission has submitted their recommendations to the Board of Regents.
Write a letter to your local representative of the Board of Regents and explain the importance of world language studies in today’s interconnected world. Your PA co-chairs have created a template that you may use or revise. You can find your local representative including contact information by visiting this map.
3 Minute PA Video:
Advocate for world languages by sharing this video, “Why Every NY Student Should Learn Another Language,” with your students, their parents, your school counselors and administrators, including board of education members. Time the presentation to coincide with course selection, budget, and other key decision making dates.
For more advocacy resources, go to NYSED OBEWL & NYSAFLT Teacher Resources.
Advocacy ideas to get the ball rolling . . .
- Call your legislators’ offices! You will be speaking with an aide or secretary. Prepare your message: Give your name and address; ask your representative or senator to support bills and grants which support world language learning. Ask them to oppose cuts that will eliminate or reduce world language programs. Say “thank you” and “good-bye”!
- Keep your NYSAFLT membership active! You will benefit greatly from up-to-date information state and national language and government organizations. Among other perks, you will be eligible for teacher and student scholarships and grants as well as gain access to job placement services. NYSAFLT benefits by having a larger voice.
- Sneak a link! Add quotations or links to your email signature. Connect your students, parents and colleagues with NYSAFLT’s advocacy or Parents as Language Partner pages.
- Actively teach the importance of knowing other languages and cultures! Have your students explore the latest research. Bring guests to your classroom that showcase these benefits.
- Be visible! Students out and about in the community as volunteers, holiday helpers, concert ushers, and so on, with their language club (or class) tee shirt (or button) is a win-win for your students, their families and those you help.
- Let your students speak! Have your students share their new findings or experiences regarding travel, clubs, languages and cultures through school media outlets and local publications.
- Attend your BOE meetings! Update your Board of Education on the progress of your students as well as travel and club activities. Have your students share experiences and thank the Board for their support of your programs.
- Involve your parents! Be sure to invite parents to help out at club events, classroom activities and as guests to special events.
- Invite district administrators and Board Members to special events or even to help out with fun classroom activities.
- Recruit your non-WL colleagues to collaborate for special celebrations, such as Earth Day, or on specific lessons.
- Invite local business personnel to speak to your students about the importance of knowing other languages and cultures.
- Travel with your students! What better way to teach your students to become advocates themselves. Click here for details.